Plum asks if I regret adopting her. Good grief!! Not a chance. I just tease about the biting- she bites about the normal amount for your average kitten. It's just a lot compared to lion kitty Maxx (who never bit for obvious reasons) and Maddie, who doesn't bite much either.

And here's the elegant Miss Madeleine. She's so funny... it's so incredibly obvious that she's female. Between her delicate little face and the eyelashes, she almost looks like a cartoon kitty.
so i can't have Ripley then?
zut :-(
oh well, i'll have to see her grow up on this blog then!
Two cute kitties!
adorable :)
my cat Heidi likes to nibble fingers, noses and toes.
nothing painful, just gets really silly.
total girly girl, loves helping one dress and put make up on.
Sadly, Ripley doesn't nibble. She CHOMPS.
Two kittens is the best way to control the biting, they teach each other how much is too much.
I hand raised my first cat and I wasn't very good at discipline, so I had to live with nips.
The current crew police each other.
How classic -- you appear to have got yourself the princess and the tomboy....
Aww, so adorable.
One of my kitties did a lot of chomping when he was little, and know he only bites his brother when playing.
Of course, I only have three toes on my left foot now...
such adorable kiddenz.
"she CHOMPS"....that's why Uncle NTodd suggested that middle name....
wayyyyyy too cutekidddies
It looks like Chainsaw was appropriate!
My Spike is named because he can use teeth and claws with deadly precisions, if he so choose. And he hangs on!
I love him to death, though, and since he's an outdoor/indoor cat, he's safer that way.
Buckeye, Dealer of Rare Coins
Looks like Maddies ruff is really starting to fill out too....
FInally. She looks really silly with that huge tail when the rest of her hasn't grown in yet.
Miss Karmina has again been clawing up the carpet at the nice new place I moved into, so I went to Bark & Purr this morning to find a remedy (I already have one scratching post; almost bought another). Anyway, they sell these plastic (non-toxic) sheets with sticky stuff on both sides ("Sticky Paws"), which one applies directly to the carpet (or furniture). After I put them down firmly where she likes to scratch, Miss Mina, genius kitty that she is, gets down and starts pulling *up* the danged things by the corners with her mouth! I guess I'm going to have to start clipping her nails with a nailclipper...something I'm sure the Squirmy One will sit still for. Right.
What a streeetccchhh. And fuzzy toeses!
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